N Fedict Shared Services offers the horizontal Federal Public Services specific operational ICT services. N Fedict Select manages the selection and recruitment of ICT staff for the federal public institutions. The support services offer their expertise to the three entities and the other services. Fedict presents itself as an umbrella. Networking Support Services Market Global Report 2017: Accenture, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T Inc., Cisco, Computer Sciences Corporation, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Huawei, IBM and Nokia Solutions - Networking Support Services Market Report focuses on the major drivers and restraints for the key players. This Research Report also provides granular analysis of. Free citirx reveiver 14.12 download software at UpdateStar - Citrix Receiver is an easy-to-install software client that lets you access your desktops, applications and data easily and securely from any device, including smartphones, tablets, PCs and Macs. FedICT eID SDK Web app 9 9 Perl 9 9 VBA, VBscript 9.NET 9 Visual Basic 9 Delphy C 9 Java 9 Java applet Java application API C ActiveX Dev. Platform Building applications for the Belgian eID FedICT eID SDK Each function returning signed data always checks the signature, together with the integrity of the whole certificate chain. The function returns.
However, this standard is not limited to such environments. The standard also supports the use of alternative computing environments, other form factors, non-GUI consumers and producers, and the use of assistive technologies, using analogous user interface operations. 1.2 Terminology. All text is normative unless otherwise labeled.
The Sipiro is a new, secure reader equipped with a pin-pad and a display which, when connected via USB, can be used as a reader for the electronic identity card.
The device was developed to offer a solution for the increasing number of malware apps, which try to ‘steal’ an ID card’s pincode (phishing). Thus, with the Sipiro, the pincode is entered via the reader and not via the PC keyboard, which means the pincode does not leave the reader and it will not become the prey of malware and spyware from the PC.
In addition to the usual eID functionalities, the Sipiro can also be used for other processes, such as generating passwords for home-banking applications in offline mode, or for use as a calculator.
The secure reader, approved by the Federal Government ICT department (Fedict), is currently already being distributed among various government departments.

In order to be able to use our card readers, you first have to install 2 things, being the eID Software (Middleware) of the government and the drivers of the card reader. Underneath you will find a link to both.
Please note that these are not applications, therefore you won’t find any shortcuts after installation. Nevertheless when the installation of both the eID Software and the drivers has been successfully finished, you will be able to use your card reader on dedicated applications and websites.
The eID Software
Drivers Fedict Others Help
You need to install this software when you would like to access government applications (My Minfin, Tax-on-web…) using your card reader/identity card.

The drivers
Drivers Fedict Others Support
Drivers Fedict Others Wanted
* Normally the drivers are automatically installed by Windows Update